
Diensteanbieter im Sinne des TDG/MDStV:

Fank Zander
Unterer Mühlenweg 44b
79114 Freiburg

Phone: +49 761 2024767
E-Mail: preferably by contact form, or [Not-E-Mail-Adresse] if necessary

Copyrights: A lot of the information used to create this website, especially all data about the history and geography of Dettensee, comes from Herbert Zander.
If no other information is given, all photographs are by Frank or Herbert Zander. The translation into English was done by Frank Zander.

Thanks: I would like to thank the following persons for helping me to write this site, directly or indirectly, willfully or unwittingly, voluntarily or involuntarily:
Herbert Zander, Frank Klaubauf, Philipp Eichert, Hans-Peter Müller, Utz Jeggle, Bernd Ballmann, Berta Lugibihl und Klaus Ebner.

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© 1996 - 2004, Frank Zander.
This is a completely private site about the village of Dettensee which comes with no warranty whatsoever.

Last change: June 7, 2009 -